love animals, and specially dogs since I was a little boy. At the beginning,
I started handling dogs for showing. Then I started breeding Pomeranians
by chance. I had to travel to England to buy a dog for a friend and
there someone offered me a female. It was love at first sight! So finnally,
I kept this female for me and she became my first Pomeranian. So, I
think I'm involved with the breed since 1987.
My kennel's name is precisely because of this first pom, as her name was Karla. She has stayed at home during 14 years, as this breed is very long-lived. Pomeranians have a happy and loving temperament also. At home, they live with other dogs from other breeds, with horses, parrots with no problems at all. It's a very smart breed and proof of that, is that they were used for playing circus tricks.

I wish you to have a nice visit to my website and of you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Julio Martínez de Marigorta & Miguel Ángel Fresnedo González